
Monday, 31 October 2011

4 tips for a healthy trick-or-treat night

Happy Halloween, everyone! For parents, this holiday may seem especially spooky when it comes to kids' teeth and weight. But here are some tips to keep your little treat-or-treaters in good health:
1. Chocolate is the best option for kids' teeth. It melts quickly, it's swallowed easily, and it contains tannins, compounds that don't allow bacteria to grow. And, at least it has some nutritional value.

Doctors urge HIV testing starting at 16

The American Academy of Pediatrics now recommends that all teens 16 to 18 years old receive regular, routine HIV tests if they live in an area where the prevalence of HIV is greater than 0.1% of the population.
The AAP also advises that adolescents of any age who are tested for other sexually transmitted infections also be tested for HIV.
Previous guidelines recommended HIV testing only for teens who admitted to being sexually active. The new recommendations were outlined in a position paper released Monday that also advocates that the routine screening be done using a rapid response test that gives a diagnosis about 20 minutes after the test is conducted.

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Global conference to tackle social conditions that drive health inequities

A world that is greatly out of balance in matters of health is neither stable nor secure

Representatives from more than 100 governments around the world, health experts, civil society organizations and other stakeholders are converging in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil for three days to discuss how social, economic and environmental conditions could be improved to reduce the health gaps within and between countries.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011


The standard of living of most Nigerians and Africans alike, is a very serious cause for concern for environmental and health experts. Promoting safely environment and healthy living of people is usually tasking for most non – governmental organization in Africa due to low funding process of awareness programmes.

Save Environment & Health Organisation, SEHO, non profitable, non governmental organization, based in Nigeria, is an independent leading National Development Organisation that promotes environmental practices and healthy living of people in Nigeria and Africa.